Custom tests

LAW_10__17 by user654824

The infecting character type is not restricted to women; it has nothing to do with gender. It stems from an inward instability that radiates outward, drawing disaster upon itself. There is almost a desire to destroy and unsettle. You could spend a lifetime studying the pathology of infecting characters, but don't waste your time just learn the lesson. When you suspect you are in the presence of an infector, don't argue, don't try to help, don't pass the person on to your friends, or you will become enmeshed. Flee the infector's presence or suffer the consequences.

LAW_10__16 by user654824

As is often the case with infection, the problems would only arise over time. Lola's inherent instability would begin to get under her lovers' skin. They would find themselves drawn into her problems, but their emotional attachment to her would make them want to help her. This was the crucial point of the disease for Lola Montez could not be helped. Her problems were too deep. Once the lover identified with them, he was lost. He would find himself embroiled in quarrels. The infection would spread to his family and friends, or, in the case of Ludwig, to an entire nation. The only solution would be to cut her off, or suffer an eventual collapse.

LAW_10__15 by user654824

Lola Montez attracted men with her wiles, but her power over them went beyond the sexual. It was through the force of her character that she kept her lovers enthralled. Men were sucked into the maelstrom she churned up around her. They felt confused, upset, but the strength of the emotions she stirred also made them feel more alive.

LAW_10__14 by user654824

At the age of forty-one, Lola gave away her clothes and finery and turned to God. She toured America, lecturing on religious topics, dressed in white and wearing a halolike white headgear. She died two years later, in 1861.

LAW_10__13 by user654824

In 1853 Lola moved to California, where she met and married a man named Pat Hull. Their relationship was as stormy as all the others, and she left Hull for another man. He took to drink and fell into a deep depression that lasted until he died, four years later, still a relatively young man.

LAW_10__12 by user654824

A few years later the man who published Lola Montez's autobiography went bankrupt.

Radioactive Water by user20240923

China and Japan have reached an agreement over the release of wastewater from Japan’s destroyed Fukushima nuclear power center. The deal prepares the way for China to restart Japanese seafood shipments it banned because of concerns over the wastewater.

Representatives from both countries announced on September 20 a deal had been reached. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said the agreement had established a level of “mutual understanding” on the issue.

China’s government began banning sales of seafood coming from Japan more than a year ago. Officials said they were concerned the wastewater – which was treated to remove radioactive material – might poison seafood products sold in China.

Japan has repeatedly said its testing and monitoring efforts have shown the treated wastewater presents no risk of radioactive poisoning to humans.

Operators of the Fukushima center announced in June 2023 that they had begun testing the process of releasing treated wastewater into the sea. The water first passes through equipment designed to remove harmful materials. Japan’s government says the processed water is considered “treated,” not “radioactive.”

But experts say it is impossible to remove all radioactive material from the wastewater. Government officials have said tritium – a radioactive form of hydrogen – is the only substance that cannot be removed from the water. However, they say the material is not considered harmful in small amounts.

The water release program began in August 2023. Officials said it was a necessary part of cleanup efforts at the Fukushima center. Three reactors there suffered meltdowns after a 2011 earthquake and huge ocean waves destroyed the plant’s cooling systems. The disaster forced 160,000 people to flee surrounding areas that were affected by radioactive material.

The agreement itself does not immediately remove China’s ban on Japanese seafood imports. Kishida told reporters Chinese negotiators said the deal begins the process for China to “revisit its import restrictions” on the seafood products.

The agreement calls for Japan to establish a long-term program in which international experts will carry out independent testing and monitoring. Kishida told reporters the government agreed to additional monitoring methods on the treated wastewater.

A Chinese foreign ministry official said his country still has concerns about the safety of Japanese seafood products. Chinese and Japanese experts are expected to come together in the coming months to work on China’s safety concerns. The official noted the ban will likely be lifted on products over time.

Before the ban, China was Japan’s biggest market for seafood exports. In the first half of 2024, Japanese exports of agriculture, forest and fish products fell for the first time since 2020. The decrease is blamed partly on China’s seafood ban.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has worked with Japan on its monitoring efforts involving the released wastewater. The head of the organization, Director General Rafael Grossi, welcomed the latest agreement between China and Japan.

Grossi praised Japan’s government "for its continued engagement with the IAEA.” He also thanked the Chinese side for taking part in “constructive” negotiations with IAEA officials leading up to completion of the deal.

LAW_10__11 by user654824

Lola Montez moved to England. More than anything she needed respectability, and despite being married (she still had not arranged a divorce from the Englishman she had wed years before), she set her sights on George Trafford Heald, a promising young army officer who was the son of an influential barrister. Although he was ten years younger than Lola, and could have chosen a wife among the prettiest and wealthiest young girls of English society, Heald fell under her spell. They were married in 1849. Soon arrested on the charge of bigamy, she skipped bail, and she and Heald made their way to Spain. They quarreled horribly and on one occasion Lola slashed him with a knife. Finally, she drove him away Returning to England, he found he had lost his position in the army. Ostracized from English society, he moved to Portugal, where he lived in poverty. After a few months his short life ended in a boating accident.

LAW_10__10 by user654824

By February of 1848, Ludwig was finally unable to withstand the pressure. With great sadness he ordered Lola to leave Bavaria immediately. She left, but not until she was paid off. For the next five weeks the Bavarians' wrath was turned against their formerly beloved king. In March of that year he was forced to abdicate.

LAW_10__9 by user654824

While Bavarians who had loved their king now outwardly disrespected him, Lola was made a countess, had a new palace built for herself, and began to dabble in politics, advising Ludwig on policy. She was the most powerful force in the kingdom. Her influence in the king's cabinet continued to grow, and she treated the other ministers with disdain. As a result, riots broke out throughout the realm. A once peaceful land was virtually in the grip of civil war, and students everywhere were chanting, "Raus mit Lola!"

Ephesians 1 by morellanthony

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it,to the praise of his glory.

For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

w10 by user109046

Back in July, we were authorized to acquire five boxes of green letterhead stationery. That amount should be ample fo the entire year. Kate took a quick jet to Phoenix, Arizona, to enjoy the weather and to have time to begin fall duties with the Girl Scouts of America. Please just fix the copier quickly so that we can minimize our downtime and get productivity back in shape. We have to meet our monthly quota.

moon by wishpath

Earth scars Earth because Earth earthquakes Earth wind, surface. however, that Earth.

Typing Test #2 by marshmire

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."

Test #1 by marshmire

Well this seems to be a waste of my time. That is nine hundred nicker in any shop you're lucky enough to find one in, and you're complaining about two hundred? What school of finance did you study? It's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the beeping century! In fact, beep it Nick, I think I'll keep it!

Typing Test #3 by marshmire

Archaeopteryx lived in the Late Jurassic around 150 million years ago, in what is now southern Germany, during a time when Europe was an archipelago of islands in a shallow warm tropical sea, much closer to the equator than it is now. Similar in size to a Eurasian magpie, with the largest individuals possibly attaining the size of a raven, the largest species of Archaeopteryx could grow to about 0.5 m in length.

Python MyPy Binder by strosekd

class Frame:
"""A Frame represents a specific point in the execution of a program.
It carries information about the current types of expressions at
that point, arising either from assignments to those expressions
or the result of isinstance checks. It also records whether it is
possible to reach that point at all.

This information is not copied into a new Frame when it is pushed
onto the stack, so a given Frame only has information about types
that were assigned in that frame.

def __init__(self, id: int, conditional_frame: bool = False) -> None: = id
self.types: dict[Key, Type] = {}
self.unreachable = False
self.conditional_frame = conditional_frame
self.suppress_unreachable_warnings = False

def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Frame({}, {self.types}, {self.unreachable}, {self.conditional_frame})"

Assigns = DefaultDict[Expression, List[Tuple[Type, Optional[Type]]]]

class ConditionalTypeBinder:
"""Keep track of conditional types of variables.

NB: Variables are tracked by literal expression, so it is possible
to confuse the binder; for example,

class A:
a: Union[int, str] = None
x = A()
lst = [x]
reveal_type(x.a) # Union[int, str]
x.a = 1
reveal_type(x.a) # int
reveal_type(lst[0].a) # Union[int, str]
lst[0].a = 'a'
reveal_type(x.a) # int
reveal_type(lst[0].a) # str

# Stored assignments for situations with tuple/list lvalue and rvalue of union type.
# This maps an expression to a list of bound types for every item in the union type.
type_assignments: Assigns | None = None

def __init__(self) -> None:
self.next_id = 1

# The stack of frames currently used. These map
# literal_hash(expr) -- literals like '' --
# to types. The last element of this list is the
# top-most, current frame. Each earlier element
# records the state as of when that frame was last
# on top of the stack.
self.frames = [Frame(self._get_id())]

# For frames higher in the stack, we record the set of
# Frames that can escape there, either by falling off
# the end of the frame or by a loop control construct
# or raised exception. The last element of self.frames
# has no corresponding element in this list.
self.options_on_return: list[list[Frame]] = []

# Maps literal_hash(expr) to get_declaration(expr)
# for every expr stored in the binder
self.declarations: dict[Key, Type | None] = {}
# Set of other keys to invalidate if a key is changed, e.g. x -> {x.a, x[0]}
# Whenever a new key (e.g. x.a.b) is added, we update this
self.dependencies: dict[Key, set[Key]] = {}

# Whether the last pop changed the newly top frame on exit
self.last_pop_changed = False

self.try_frames: set[int] = set()
self.break_frames: list[int] = []
self.continue_frames: list[int] = []

def _get_id(self) -> int:
self.next_id += 1
return self.next_id

def _add_dependencies(self, key: Key, value: Key | None = None) -> None:
if value is None:
value = key
self.dependencies.setdefault(key, set()).add(value)
for elt in subkeys(key):
self._add_dependencies(elt, value)

def push_frame(self, conditional_frame: bool = False) -> Frame:
"""Push a new frame into the binder."""
f = Frame(self._get_id(), conditional_frame)
return f

def _put(self, key: Key, type: Type, index: int = -1) -> None:
self.frames[index].types[key] = type

def _get(self, key: Key, index: int = -1) -> Type | None:
if index < 0:
index += len(self.frames)
for i in range(index, -1, -1):
if key in self.frames[i].types:
return self.frames[i].types[key]
return None

def put(self, expr: Expression, typ: Type) -> None:
if not isinstance(expr, (IndexExpr, MemberExpr, NameExpr)):
if not literal(expr):
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried to put non-literal"
if key not in self.declarations:
self.declarations[key] = get_declaration(expr)
self._put(key, typ)

def unreachable(self) -> None:
self.frames[-1].unreachable = True

def suppress_unreachable_warnings(self) -> None:
self.frames[-1].suppress_unreachable_warnings = True

def get(self, expr: Expression) -> Type | None:
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried to get non-literal"
return self._get(key)

def is_unreachable(self) -> bool:
# TODO: Copy the value of unreachable into new frames to avoid
# this traversal on every statement?
return any(f.unreachable for f in self.frames)

def is_unreachable_warning_suppressed(self) -> bool:
return any(f.suppress_unreachable_warnings for f in self.frames)

def cleanse(self, expr: Expression) -> None:
"""Remove all references to a Node from the binder."""
key = literal_hash(expr)
assert key is not None, "Internal error: binder tried cleanse non-literal"

def _cleanse_key(self, key: Key) -> None:
"""Remove all references to a key from the binder."""
for frame in self.frames:
if key in frame.types:
del frame.types[key]

def update_from_options(self, frames: list[Frame]) -> bool:
"""Update the frame to reflect that each key will be updated
as in one of the frames. Return whether any item changes.

If a key is declared as AnyType, only update it if all the
options are the same.

frames = [f for f in frames if not f.unreachable]
changed = False
keys = {key for f in frames for key in f.types}

for key in keys:
current_value = self._get(key)
resulting_values = [f.types.get(key, current_value) for f in frames]
if any(x is None for x in resulting_values):
# We didn't know anything about key before
# (current_value must be None), and we still don't
# know anything about key in at least one possible frame.

type = resulting_values[0]
assert type is not None
declaration_type = get_proper_type(self.declarations.get(key))
if isinstance(declaration_type, AnyType):
# At this point resulting values can't contain None, see continue above
if not all(is_same_type(type, cast(Type, t)) for t in resulting_values[1:]):
type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_another_any, source_any=declaration_type)
for other in resulting_values[1:]:
assert other is not None
type = join_simple(self.declarations[key], type, other)
# Try simplifying resulting type for unions involving variadic tuples.
# Technically, everything is still valid without this step, but if we do
# not do this, this may create long unions after exiting an if check like:
# x: tuple[int, ...]
# if len(x) < 10:
# ...
# We want the type of x to be tuple[int, ...] after this block (if it is
# still equivalent to such type).
if isinstance(type, UnionType):
type = collapse_variadic_union(type)
if isinstance(type, ProperType) and isinstance(type, UnionType):
# Simplify away any extra Any's that were added to the declared
# type when popping a frame.
simplified = UnionType.make_union(
[t for t in type.items if not isinstance(get_proper_type(t), AnyType)]
if simplified == self.declarations[key]:
type = simplified
if current_value is None or not is_same_type(type, current_value):
self._put(key, type)
changed = True

self.frames[-1].unreachable = not frames

return changed

Various 024 by mnd.senan

Your consistency is your greatest asset. Showing up and putting in the work day after day is what leads to lasting results. Remember, even on tough days, every bit of effort counts. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. The results will follow. Your journey is impressive, and you're making tremendous progress. Keep believing in yourself, stay disciplined, and enjoy the process. You're building not only a fitter body but also a resilient mindset. Keep up the great work, and remember, every step you take is a step toward becoming the best version of yourself. You've got this!
Let's refine the approach to optimize fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, consider the following adjustments.. Det er halvannen måned til 12. august. Deretter så får vi ta opp tråden igjen på prosjektet. Neida, jeg tar det selv derfra, ja. Ha det! Hei, hei! Her er jeg. Lykke til med det! Vi snakkes! Dette har jeg i stor grad lært og utviklet på egen hånd, noe jeg er stolt av. jeg ber om en økning på rundt 15%, som reflekterer den verdi jeg tilfører selskapet.
Inntil nylig hadde vi et oppslag mot Telefonkatalogen 1880. Håper dette blir starten på et gjensidig, godt samarbeid! Vision Speed Limits now leverages/benefits your car's cameras to detect speed limit signs. Vi skal nå vitalisere/aktivere løsningen. In this context, sticking with pId is a reasonable balance between brevity and clarity. Fikk feil tilsendt, så selger alt samlet.
Overhead: if the number of distinct values is very small, the overhead of maintaining mappings may outweigh the benefits. Dette ser jo helt knall ut! Men vi tenker oss en liten prisjustering på PRO. Så det er fint om endres. They need to be done in conjunction with other training methods and periodized correctly in order to reach the most benefits. Go ahead and get that in your head, start practicing 'em in a conversation, so that you just have 'em completely internal-wise.
Disse variantene kan gi deg større variasjon i språket og tilpasse tonen til forskjellige situasjoner: Særdeles godt utført. Særdeles vitkig. Ytterst presist. Betydelig forbedring og innsats. Overmåte interessant. Dette er i aller høyeste grad imponerende! Disse uttrykkene er vanlige i dagligtalen, og du vil ofte høre dem i uformelle setninger: Sinnssykt bra jobb! Det var sinnssykt gøy! Vanvittig bra resultat! Det var vanvittig kaldt i dag. Heftig vær ute nå. Det var en heftig diskusjon! En rått konsert! Rått gjort! Drøyt bra! (esktremt) Drøyt mye folk på festivalen. Sykt bra film! Sykt mye å gjøre på jobb. Grådig fint vær i dag! Det var grådig morsomt! Ellevilt show i går (utenom det vanlige) Det var ellevilt gøy.
Som JW nevnte i den felles e-posten blir dette nå en nysatsing som, såvidt jeg forstår, kommer til å basere seg på en modell som har noe overlapp med Cloud Master AS (fortsatt IT-utvikling/konsulent-støtte til Purehelp, Jobbsys, Inanko osv), men som også skiller seg ut på viktige måter.
Blant annet er det (igjen, såvidt jeg forstår) tiltenkt at dette nye selskapet skal utvikle og eie sin helt egen produktportefølje, drevet av de siste "cutting-edge" gjennombruddene i AI/maskinlæring. AI/maskinlæring er en kake som kommer til å vokse enormt i årene som kommer, så dette føler jeg er en utrolig spennende retning å være med på. Taket er da skyhøyt for hva vi kan oppnå her, både for det nye selskapet og på individuell basis.
Si gjerne ifra om mandag passer for dere. Hvis ikke finner vi en annen dag hvor vi overlapper på kontoret. Har ingen anelse hvorfor den hang seg opp. Data-en i søkemotoren er noen dager gammel. 430 byttes ut med 470. Teknisk gjennomgang (review). Faktum er at jeg er oppnevnt av Oslo tingrett som bostyrer i disse konkursboene, noe som også burde reflekteres på deres hjemmeside. I motsetning til A, brukes B for å ...
Jeg kom tilfeldigvis innom mitt eget navn i deres register. Den feilaktige opplistingen har et betydelig skadepotensiale for min virksomhet. En stor del av min praksis omfatter rådgivning til bedrifter i økonomiske vanskeligheter. Er sjansene store for at de heller velger en annen. Oversikten burde for øvrig oppdateres da det er mange av boene som for lengst er avsluttet. Jeg imøteser en bekreftelse (forventer) på at nettsiden deres blir korrigert.
De er i ferd med å sette opp selskap i Norge nå. Ønsker å avslutte ovennevnte avtale. Se nedenstående. Oppfatter dette som meget useriøst (takes this as very frivolous) Driver og gjør importen nå.. så det vil være noen som fungerer og noen som ikke fungerer. Mesteparten bør være på plass iløpet av dagen og resten imorgen.
hvis du ser på mail-tråden under her så ser du hva vi er ute etter av tekniske SEO-kvaliteter fremover... spesielt samendringer er en av de som har litt rariteter. Takk for informasjon! Vi er på saken. Videre utover er det nok Muhannad som kommer til å håndtere denne typen saker, så dersom dere har en oversikt over kontaktpersoner for, så kan dere legge inn hans epost.
Tenker du kommer til å plukke opp Elixir kjapt, er bare en håndfull mønstre man må mestre for å løse 90% av oppgaver. Restart måtte til. Gleder meg til å bli kjent med dere. Benytter samtidig anledningen til å ønske dere en god påske, nyt sola og senk skuldrene. This discrepancy could be due to a few reasons. It was removed in favour of... Ser ut som usammenhengende.
Fått lagt ut noen flere søkefelt på stage? Vi hiver oss rundt og lager en bedre løsning. Er det dette som gjorde antall indekserte sider kollapset fra 1m i april og ned til dagens nivå? Jeg tipper at det blir et par saker som går over sommer. Vi får avslutte steg-1 prosjektet etter sommer nå. Foreløpig ser det jo ikke veldig positivt ut. Denne saken har nok ført til nedgang i indekserte sider. Det er forsåvidt ikke et mål å ha for mange indekserte sider (i tilfelle).
Om dere også kan bytte ut logoen med den nye som står vedlagt, så hadde det vært topp. Running for 5km is no small feat! it's a testament to your dedication adnd growing fitness level. Keep pushing forward, and youæll continue to see great improvements! This demonstrates you endurance is building steadily, and with continued effort, youæll be breaking your personal bests in no time. Visualization can be a powerful tool to keep you motivated and driven.

LAW_10__8 by user654824

Lola began to lose her sense of proportion. One day when she was out riding, an elderly man rode ahead of her, a bit too slowly for her liking. Unable to pass him, she took her dog, unleashed, out for a stroll. The dog attacked a passerby, but instead of helping the man get the dog away, she whipped him with the leash. Incidents like this infuriated the stolid citizens of Bavaria, but Ludwig stood by Lola and even had her naturalized as a Bavarian citizen. The king's entourage tried to wake him to the dangers of the affair, but those who criticized Lola were summarily fired.

LAW_10__7 by user654824

Ludwig was, in his own words, "bewitched" by Lola. He started to appear in public with her on his arm, and then he bought and furnished an apartment for her on one of Munich's most fashionable boulevards. Although he had been known as a miser, and was not given to flights of fancy, he started to shower Lola with gifts and to write poetry for her. Now his favored mistress, she catapulted to fame and fortune overnight.