

रैंक 197829 / 331880
खेलहरूको संख्या 0
सबैभन्दा राम्रो खेल
हालको गति
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
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पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
सबै समयको गति
हालको सट्स
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो सट्स
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
गति यो मा अभिव्यक्त हुन्छ WPM (प्रति मिनेट शब्द).
सट्सले देखाउँछ कसरी तपाईं टाइपिङ परीक्षणमा निखुट हुनुहुन्छ। १००% भनेको ० गल्तिहरू हुन्छ।


marc3 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
I too would like to see a video of 95wpm with two fingers :)

Maybe you are getting the broken input box because of the browser cache. Try to empty the cache.
bsdhacker 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
how on earth can you type with 2 fingers and average 95 wpm? I'd like to see a video of that.

Marc, the input box was fixed, but somehow it has been reverted.
marc3 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
The input box has been fixed. Thanks for telling me.

There's not bug the highlighting. I highlight what you have to type, if you make a mistake, I update the highlighting to show the progression. I only highlight a small portion of the text because it's more readable this way.
bsdhacker 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
Overall a good little app. I especially like the detail statistics. A few things that could improve:

The word highlighting is messed up. I'll often get multiple words highlighted at the same time with one of them only partially highlighted

Also the message input box in the profile section doesn't render correctly in Firefox.
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हालका टाइपिङ परीक्षणहरू

अझै खेलहरू छैनन्
अन्तिम लगइन 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
मितिमा सामेल 15 वर्षहरु,5 महिनाहरु अगाडि
कि-बोर्ड / ल्यापटप N/A
कि-बोर्ड म्यापिङ Other
कम्प्युटर प्रयोग 8-12 घण्टा / दिन
उद्धारणहरू 0



