gelbutowsk_awsm Alex Gelbutovskiy (Minnesota)


Trend over 1 games.
रैंक 689 / 331592
खेलहरूको संख्या 1
सबैभन्दा राम्रो खेल 76.09
हालको गति
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो गति
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
सबै समयको गति 76.09
हालको सट्स
अन्तिम खेलहरूको औसत
पुरानो सट्स
पहिलो खेलहरूको औसत
गति यो मा अभिव्यक्त हुन्छ WPM (प्रति मिनेट शब्द).
सट्सले देखाउँछ कसरी तपाईं टाइपिङ परीक्षणमा निखुट हुनुहुन्छ। १००% भनेको ० गल्तिहरू हुन्छ।


aoeuaoeuaoeu 6 वर्षहरु अगाडि
gelbut_ravisher If this is legit, would you be willing to write a quick blogpost (like on Medium) to share your Yamaha setup? I'm fascinated (and I'll admit a bit dubious)
gelbut_ravisher 6 वर्षहरु,6 महिनाहरु अगाडि
Have you ever heard of "vowel compressibility" a.k.a. disemvoweling? It's possible to drop all vowels while still being able to figure out original decompressed word. Ex: irrelevance -> irrlvnce ... you'd still have to type first and last character. Certain suffixes and prefixes can be stored in piano memory. Ex: length("IRRLVNCE") = 8 < 10 fingers => 2 chords [1 typing motion] over 2 octaves. I'm using piano keyboard. It's better than a regular keyboard.
monti0 6 वर्षहरु,6 महिनाहरु अगाडि
some tips for getting typing as fast as I can on keyboard??
python1124 6 वर्षहरु,6 महिनाहरु अगाडि
If you're legit, then you're an extremely well typer and I appreciate your effort and practicing. If you're fake then whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gelbutowsk_awsm 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
go to the last set of registered users on this site: WPM < 0

gelbutowsk_awsm 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
i recommend to learn stenography. looks great on cv
gelbutowsk_awsm 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
fake fingers? fake keyboard? fake mind? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ could you be a bit more specific? ^___^

but srsly... this website is full of bugs! the average of my last 10 games is nowhere near 199.97 as you can tell :) occasionally i score 200+ WPM but this site fails to register those attempts for some odd reason

I've modified my 88-key Yamaha piano keyboard. Each octave is now a set of printable characters. I do most of my typing using chords: simultaneous presses of up to 10 keys. I've also modified and tested stenotypes and gaming keyboards to increase efficiency. You gotta chord to keep a consistent score of 180+ WPM @ 100% accuracy.
crypticosprey53 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
Is your score legit or is it just some fake thing?
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हालका टाइपिङ परीक्षणहरू

Henry James 76.09 100% 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
अन्तिम लगइन 6 वर्षहरु,6 महिनाहरु अगाडि
मितिमा सामेल 6 वर्षहरु,7 महिनाहरु अगाडि
कि-बोर्ड / ल्यापटप N/A
कि-बोर्ड म्यापिङ DVORAK
कम्प्युटर प्रयोग 0-4 घण्टा / दिन
उद्धारणहरू 0



