- The Plight of Life
What does it truly mean to be alive? If it is merely that one breathes and consumes, then we are nought but beasts; and if is merely that we think and are conscious, then we are merely someone else's expression. For all that we do and believe surely comes from other's experiences or desires, and through our understanding of other's. The question at hand: What does it mean to be human? If it is only what we can see and understand; then for what purpose do we exist?
- Pointless positivity
Life is hard, it beats most people down and leaves us wanting for something that we really don't know how to obtain: A life that's beyond distant, an existence that seems out of reach. There have been few people in this world that know where that is, and many of them receive no accolades in this world, in fact they often receive the worst of it during their time here; despite that they still care for other's, and have learned to look past the issues plaguing this world and it's people.