हालका कमेन्टहरू

Curtis Baldwin
heh heh

A chick that works in a cubicle
Yeah, why don't you find a job you enjoy?? Like, what's stopping you from becoming …

Sure, but this works both ways. Same as you can have a terrible first half …

Dakota Allen
Something is preventing me from finishing this quote.



superboa's उद्धारणहरू

सबै उद्धारणहरू

SuperBoa - Opinions Are Like Plastic Around A Turtles Neck
Take a turtle with plastic stuck around it's neck for example. The turtle is the person and the ideals and thoughts are the plastic. You don't attack the turtle for getting that trash stuck around it's head. Instead it's more intelligent to attack the plastic with what you have on hand. To use plyers and maybe scissors and to be precise about attacking certain points of the plastic without hurting the turtle who quite honestly doesn't mind the plastic and actually cares for it quite a bit.