Sock Opera- Bill Returns - Bill Cipher and Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls; created by Alex Hirsch)

This quote was added by Levi_Cipher
Dipper: "Who would know about secret codes?" Bill: *appears through moon* "I think I know a guy!" Dipper: "You again!" Bill: "Did you miss me? Admit it, you missed me!"

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kalib.hunsperge 8 years, 7 months ago
I like it really I do
kalib.hunsperge 8 years, 7 months ago
kldjf;laskjdfalksdjf;laksdjf;lkasf;ljasklfdj;asljkdfasdf shutup all ready dufis bitch

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inw_typer 81.00 100%
geryjs 80.83 98.2%
afminto 64.04 97.7%
lehcarn64 61.13 93.9%
theloudestninja 60.07 90.9%
m_murasaki 58.91 95.5%
user468593 53.58 94.9%
jena83 38.54 93.3%
junss 38.22 90%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user468593 53.58 94.9%
jena83 38.54 93.3%
afminto 64.04 97.7%
theloudestninja 60.07 90.9%
m_murasaki 58.91 95.5%
geryjs 80.83 98.2%
lehcarn64 61.13 93.9%
junss 38.22 90%