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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 155.26 98.2%
jiggalee 145.27 96.4%
feuv 136.44 99.5%
ilovejujubee 133.27 98.6%
lytewerk 132.18 96.4%
staylor1014 109.63 96.9%
meredithmosser 108.48 98.6%
mr_snow 105.91 99.5%
yagoliz 104.61 98.2%
jawtry 102.92 96.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
amman66 89.08 96%
user104405 96.06 99.1%
user106998 84.92 97.7%
user108640 43.71 93.5%
saleheen01924 18.35 96%
jiggalee 145.27 96.4%
user871724 155.26 98.2%
gotwood248 70.41 98.2%