Janet Frame

This quote was added by jurichan
We cling to our names because we think they emphasise our separateness and completeness and importance, but deep down we know that we are neither separate nor complete, nor very important, nor are we terribly happy.

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typin_ 180.38 97.3%
firefingers1992 156.50 100%
samuraininja 147.18 99.5%
missarkansas 139.65 100%
tsukasa 129.19 98.6%
ilovejujubee 127.25 99.1%
staylor1014 125.10 96.4%
theletterjay 120.96 99.1%
user106226 117.68 96.4%
syterth1 116.00 100%

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ned1230desktop 110.39 93.5%
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typinglindsey 70.24 95.1%
scykes 71.56 94.7%
user843630 73.90 89.6%
nathanbyers 93.44 93.5%
user99861 58.38 100%