Ambition - Unknown

This quote was added by arrk
Ambition is like chasing a vapor. Whatever your need is, once you get that you are not happy with it, you need a far better position. It is an never ending cycle.

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2001or2 130.93 92.0%
vmlm 120.81 96.4%
user68438 109.89 97.6%
kicko 106.81 98.2%
user97848 104.01 98.2%
hlimbaugh 102.52 100%
noobplayer 101.48 94.7%
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derpqwerty 95.21 97.0%
avattavada 94.76 98.2%

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littleyoo 41.79 88.0%
machinist80 61.82 92.0%
shinji9 59.21 97.0%