Physics - Part 2

This quote was added by meziepie
The development of physical theory requires creativity at every stage. The physicist has to learn to ask appropriate questions, design experiments to try to answer the questions, and draw appropriate conclusions from the results.

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user871724 160.70 95.1%
suikacider 137.44 93.1%
cicadafarm 136.81 100%
jpadtyping 135.40 97.0%
treemeister 135.32 95.9%
shord143 133.53 96.6%
user70929 130.40 97.9%
user40438 129.87 100%
heiga 128.80 100%
wolfram 126.42 92.7%

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suikacider 137.44 93.1%
paranoidminotaur 92.36 90.5%
user99861 49.97 94.2%