Underwear - Bill Watterson as Calvin

This quote was added by lisaveebee
In a conversation with his imaginary tiger friend, Hobbes, Calvin says, "You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help."

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vmlm 97.00 98.1%
lubokkanev 95.08 96.2%
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cjang1000 90.41 100%
meredithmosser 88.71 99.3%
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josepot 79.84 96.2%
hvsadowski83 79.19 100%
jgdude 76.51 89.3%

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yagoliz 91.33 98.7%
nadinestfu 66.12 98.0%
amoureuse 68.68 87.8%