Pagan Min is particular to his words - FC4 - Far Cry 4

This quote was added by kghollic
I distinctly remember saying, "Stop the bus." Not "shoot the bus." "*Stop* the bus." I'm very particular with my words. "Stop." "Shoot." "Stop." "Shoot." Do those words sound the same?

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 123.16 96.8%
iltranscendent 61.73 92.0%
user292661 58.38 90.7%
aynjle89 51.82 91.6%
user85658 45.30 92.5%
user82395 41.46 89.8%
user390874 40.46 95.3%
blizda 35.14 77.7%
doortonowhere 32.29 92.6%
user656448 25.10 91.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user390874 40.46 95.3%
typin_ 123.16 96.8%
blizda 35.14 77.7%
iltranscendent 61.73 92.0%
user82395 41.46 89.8%
aynjle89 51.82 91.6%
user957906 21.30 91.5%
doortonowhere 32.29 92.6%