
This quote was added by georgie.steph
Hi is the first thing you should say to someone before judging them first. People judge too quickly, before even meeting the person. Next time you see someone, make sure you say hi.

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Name WPM Accuracy
1dur 141.48 99.5%
dcb87 137.79 100%
inw_typer 128.00 100%
inw_typer 128.00 56%
staylor1014 122.40 97.3%
koda 121.68 93.9%
chrisjunlee 121.26 98.4%
rivendellis 119.60 97.3%
browar08 108.43 97.8%
alampkins 107.42 95.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user109678 38.88 95.8%
user404626 40.54 88.5%
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baluze 63.07 97.8%
user787328 75.50 94.3%
user843630 90.08 95.3%
suru 38.36 89.2%
user85956 68.17 92.8%