Mika L.

This quote was added by thrixe
I wrote a quotation - a motivational one, three years ago. I'm not sure whether it helped me or not, but here it goes: There is no such thing as limitations; we can exceed expectations.

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ilovejujubee 133.89 100%
inw_typer 124.00 97.0%
milesdavis 119.19 100%
vmlm 114.95 96.4%
anthonycletus 114.37 96.4%
saraannehopperr 113.81 98.4%
munchkinbug 109.42 99.5%
hodor_1234 108.57 99.5%
user57370 103.96 98.9%
suzannemyrice 103.57 97.4%

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saraannehopperr 113.81 98.4%
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