murmur from key - Tirakami

This quote was added by itiramisu
Hello, My name is Key. I have to be an key and I would like to speak like human but I can't if I can speak like human I'll tell them "You shouldn't leave me at home dude. You should bring me with you everywhere!!! ..." Anyway I can't speak...

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dvorakdan 8 years, 7 months ago
If you google this, you get nothing. Where do people come up with this stuff?

okay, I googled the "You shouldn't ... to ... everywhere!!!..." and got this crazy link back to this website

weird. Oh, and it was the ONLY result. What else can you google and get ONE result.

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justind 77.65 92.0%
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dcruz041 62.77 96.8%
tsheets711 62.36 93.1%

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