Merciless world - Attack on titan

This quote was added by lady_b
"Only the victors are allowed to live; this world is merciless like that. Yet the world is merciless, yet very beautiful." - Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

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inw_typer 167.00 100%
vmlm 98.29 98.1%
d3mn8 97.09 96.3%
darkmatter36 92.68 98.7%
bardiches 92.57 93.5%
arndtyouglad 88.92 98.1%
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lisaarm 86.33 96.9%
aparsh 84.32 97.5%
venus12gates 83.99 93.5%

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user108080 39.05 96.9%
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beingabhaytyagi 30.42 93.5%