I love you - For Eric

This quote was added by sleezye
Ever since we first started dating I knew that I would spend the rest of my life with you. We had our ups and downs but we pulled through. I love you with all my heart. Please don't ever let go of me.

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inw_typer 143.00 99.7%
inw_typer 143.00 90.2%
chiaki357 122.23 100%
noobplayer 118.44 99.0%
hamchow 116.97 98.0%
kyle_w 109.40 97.1%
shawnsmith91 108.25 94.8%
geryjs 106.58 93.0%
avattavada 99.83 98.5%
user108043 99.71 94.3%

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geryjs 106.58 93.0%
outofthedumps 64.57 94.3%
dante-didit 81.14 85.8%