Cotton Candy Town - DragonPhire234

This quote was added by dragonphire234
Once upon a time in a fun land where everything ever eaten was cotton candy, and everyone was fat and full of gravy, someone new came along that was not fat, and he became cool.

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inw_typer 166.00 100%
user871724 149.07 97.8%
dcb87 116.68 97.8%
trishadgk 112.97 94.7%
geryjs 112.39 96.7%
colincastle1234 109.07 97.3%
vexiltypes 107.89 100%
ephemeralwildflower 107.50 100%
user851491 107.11 94.7%
nathanbyers 99.93 97.3%

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diamondrock 85.15 93.7%
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thecrazydane2 64.50 84.7%
user108903 63.22 97.3%
user871724 149.07 97.8%