soccer - reuben

This quote was added by reuben999
Soccer is the best sport of all. Reuben Jacob and Brody play it almost every day at school. We are the best of the entire soccer world, we win 10 - 2 a lot.

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bassplayerful 8 years, 7 months ago
Soccer sucks and so does this quote.

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tsukasa 147.20 98.1%
inw_typer 141.00 56%
inw_typer 141.00 100%
kimberly3889 108.29 97.5%
chrisjunlee 107.33 92.5%
user57370 103.01 96.3%
thefuerte 96.70 97.5%
staylor1014 93.78 89.2%
shakeena30 90.85 98.1%
amberleyjane 89.45 97.5%

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inw_typer 141.00 56%
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jkri 51.43 93.5%
user68331 48.59 94.0%
897599 27.63 92.4%
ssanti.deer23 43.52 96.3%