Power - Oscar D.

This quote was added by oscar123
The most powerful weapon, against your enemies and to pave your way to success is: KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM. We must be true to our selves and be humble enough to abreast with those who are more experienced than us if we really want happiness, peace of mind, and to reach our maximum potential in life. And that my friends is POWER!

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inw_typer 164.00 90%
hackertyper492 148.09 97.6%
vmlm 116.20 95.1%
marchtoglory 111.76 92.7%
user90997 90.11 91.9%
kathryn821 89.47 96.8%
iltranscendent 87.04 94.3%
danbi 86.85 98.8%
falsesu 74.11 95.9%
5unfl0w3r5 74.10 92.7%

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falsesu 74.11 95.9%
ladytzyion 42.81 92.9%
iltranscendent 87.04 94.3%