
This quote was added by lemonlime649
I love ice cream. It is my favorite dairy product. I eat ice cream all of the time. Aside from just tasting good, it also smells and looks good. I love eating ice cream for dessert and even with my dinner. Ice cream is amazing.

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inw_typer 162.00 77%
inw_typer 162.00 100%
ilovejujubee 116.16 96.2%
staylor1014 110.29 96.6%
amy21 88.46 99.1%
acepergers 82.21 99.6%
klipik12 76.16 92.7%
kschwartz 75.48 99.6%
rianclark 75.03 97.0%
user67209 74.00 93.8%

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staylor1014 110.29 96.6%
edpierce30 68.52 88.7%
klipik12 76.16 92.7%