Most boring couple - Gossip Girl

This quote was added by kaylaym420
I used to think that S and lonely boy were the most boring couple on the Upper East side, but what makes them actually great together... is when they're supposed to be with other people.

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xmaddockmark 134.61 96.4%
inw_typer 132.00 91.0%
kyle_w 124.91 99.5%
feuv 123.49 93%
jacqueline1234 121.50 97.9%
hamchow 117.38 99.5%
user107966 116.13 98.9%
rossgshaffer 109.66 96.9%
gwaldrop 107.87 95.4%
dante-didit 107.51 97.4%

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rkoh 98.37 96.4%
sashabusse 78.44 97.9%
xmaddockmark 134.61 96.4%