inspirational - unknown

This quote was added by maliyah
We are weird and awesome in our own way. So don't take your life over what someone said that was stupid. So live live life to the fullest. Also never give up.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 162.00 100%
inw_typer 150.00 100%
maplecrofte 132.69 98.8%
delacruz.danilojr 126.04 98.1%
gwaldrop 116.40 96.3%
bmcgoo 109.63 97.5%
user108245 109.29 98.8%
arravalle 107.48 96.3%
memgo 99.72 94.0%
jocoaster 98.09 98.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
mevinson 14.01 89.8%
user109254 48.46 93.0%
funnyman 45.58 98.8%
user104405 92.35 95.8%
user108268 38.22 90.8%
slaughtermelon 78.45 94.6%
sennen 50.15 97.5%
gwaldrop 116.40 96.3%