Quote of the Day - jhalen25

This quote was added by jhalen25
Don't use cruel words when you are in a bad mood... You will have many chances to change your mood, but you will never get the opportunity to take back your words.

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Name WPM Accuracy
forkhunter 144.66 100%
dcb87 113.58 94.8%
user108043 111.90 93.2%
shyhamhalder 107.25 95.9%
donoshea 106.86 98.2%
jellyvanessa 102.59 94.2%
bbuell01 101.84 92.1%
user851491 99.95 93.1%
bkbroiler 99.29 96.4%
user104582 98.77 96.4%

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user90997 74.36 83.6%
joshsalita30 79.17 100%
user951926 77.18 98.8%
jules831 92.30 99.4%
lpm14 94.64 95.9%