Wizard's Sixth Rule - Terry Goodkind

This quote was added by pohlman
The first law of reason is this: what exists, exists; what is, is; and from this irreducible bedrock principle, all knowledge is built. It is the foundation from which life is embraced.

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bvw 5 years, 4 months ago
Not a foundational principle. First what is this: "a". What do you say? or without it "Wht do you sy". But then what is this, these: "yo"? Without them too: "Wht d yu s".

Does "a" exist? What does it mean? Does "a" have to exist for "y" or "o" to exist? There existed before what. That's a statement of fact, not a question.
treemeister 5 years, 7 months ago
This is a really dumb quote.

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