Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)

This quote was added by mp.t_candlesandstars
What I want isn't money, pretty dresses, or fortune forced upon me. I'm not Lucky Lucy of Heartfilia anymore! Fairy Tail recognizes me as just Lucy and my other family, it's a far more loving family than this!

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vmlm 113.14 96.3%
hyperslurpie 111.96 100%
mikelu92 111.44 97.2%
ilovejujubee 111.37 95.5%
lotb777 110.92 100%
rupus_maximus 110.87 98.1%
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infestedgeek 108.74 95.9%
anna_zhao 108.36 94.6%

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jjjsabella 74.28 94.1%
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jacqueline1234 85.22 92.9%