Dag Hammarskjöld

This quote was added by justin0
Din ställning ger dig aldrig rätten att befalla, men den lägger plikten på dig att leva så att andra kan ta emot dina order utan att bli förödmjukade.

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k123a 5 years, 9 months ago

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
eriknaslund 117.49 97.4%
exiphi 117.12 96.8%
trls 117.07 100%
centilong 115.38 100%
mafuso 112.50 100%
mafuso 112.50 99.3%
mafuso 112.50 100%
frankfrallannilsson 112.02 100%
jakobbq1 108.49 96.8%
maxrydenn 101.83 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jakobbq1 108.49 96.8%
eliasnb 68.81 94.9%
jakobbq1 99.69 93.2%
jakobbq1 87.61 94.4%
jakobbq1 84.47 96.2%
jakobbq1 84.51 97.4%
jakobbq1 98.68 98.7%
jakobbq1 63.89 86.7%