Haise Sasaki

This quote was added by user70686
Black and blue, turning and over-turning the things I'd chosen countless times, forever repeating the same actions... Ungainly. Awkward. Indecisive. Weak. Endlessly useless. That is what I am.

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typin_ 162.98 99.0%
surfingsinewave 123.50 100%
trishadgk 113.48 97.5%
user86900 112.81 99.0%
chem061192 83.52 96%
grant24 82.61 92.3%
petrolfume 82.07 93.7%
bigboi99 81.26 92.8%
rkoh 79.91 95.5%
user830398 77.11 97.0%

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user108700 68.38 94.1%
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