Rebel - unknown

This quote was added by jfrosen502
Whether you choose or don't choose, the rebel side chooses you. Whether you decide or don't decide, the heart shall continue beating with a passion and a function. Don't give up on yourself just because you fail the first time. Just like Albert Einstein said, I didn't fail 2,000 times, I just found 2,000 ways NOT to build a lightbulb.

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typin_ 157.00 96.8%
geryjs 96.93 96%
guinessbook1 93.71 94.9%
jrmquitless 85.16 98.8%
user843630 84.00 95.5%
delacruz.danilojr 82.12 96.3%
geageorgia 78.18 97.7%
yyang42 75.86 97.9%
nischal2015 72.31 89.8%
user468593 69.24 92.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user843630 84.00 95.5%
guinessbook1 93.71 94.9%
geageorgia 78.18 97.7%
bellasmom 58.42 90.1%
typin_ 157.00 96.8%
user468593 69.24 92.8%
geryjs 96.93 96%
mockingbird561 39.38 93.3%