Words/Roses - unknown/fans

This quote was added by sophiebug
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go sit in a corner all by myself, and cry for hours. Roses are red, night lock is blue, it's Catching Fire, not Hunger Games 2.

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Name WPM Accuracy
slowacid78 124.76 98.9%
peggyrwa 122.62 99.5%
bibu 114.02 95.4%
geryjs 110.83 97.9%
jaewrek 106.94 99.5%
amman66 103.51 97.4%
astaro 98.64 98.9%
kensmom825 97.37 99.5%
user70217 97.31 94.5%
operaman84 95.27 97.9%

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giannepaula07 83.04 91.3%
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user97523 81.44 93.1%
kensmom825 97.37 99.5%
geryjs 110.83 97.9%
theago 68.04 97.4%
byronboh 72.45 96.4%