The Monkey King - DotA 2 - Sun Wukong

This quote was added by vijayrram
Over the course of my journeys, I've been called many things. A warrior. An animal. A trickster. Out of all the names I've been called, one has always remained my favourite: King.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 156.81 97.3%
exhaust 125.98 100%
li1cy 123.36 97.3%
vmlm 115.86 97.8%
heiga 115.48 98.9%
starl1ng 114.05 100%
ilovejujubee 113.99 96.8%
darkmatter_3624 113.92 100%
lbachner 113.60 98.9%
chris_allan_qwerty 111.30 96.8%

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user101919 75.68 95.7%
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gwaldrop 100.60 94.2%
crocies112 69.10 97.3%
megadragon 58.62 95.7%