Sonic Colors - Dr. Eggman

This quote was added by vtmcst
Would the owner of a white hovercar shaped like an egg please report to the front desk. Your car has been broken into. Repeat. Would the owner of a white hovercar shaped like an egg please report to the front desk. Your car has been broken in... Wait a minute, WHAT THE HECK?

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genevajmm 8 years ago
This is one of the most ridiculous quotes on this site.

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byomes 86.59 94.5%
bbogle507 85.31 92%
chooseclear 83.43 98.2%
xyloswagg96 82.66 97.9%
yyang42 76.72 97.9%
micklepru 66.95 98.2%
smcook 66.45 94.8%
tchrish 64.43 91.1%
tanner711 59.49 87.9%
osman99 58.56 93.6%

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spaceburd42 22.46 94.9%
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osman99 58.56 93.6%
tchrish 64.43 91.1%
user70277 47.81 95.2%
byomes 86.59 94.5%
user73860 14.09 70.6%