Characters - Helen Keller

This quote was added by user72842
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

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am4sian 143.27 100%
xevious 141.08 98.8%
zhengfeilong 140.27 100%
lome 140.09 100%
user523355 136.74 100%
bunniexo 135.98 98.2%
chrisjin 135.66 98.8%
user81230 131.67 98.2%
missarkansas 129.61 99.4%
hiramisu 129.42 100%

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user828295 57.42 92.7%
hiramisu 129.42 100%
sylviaspar 32.42 86.5%
user106803 52.88 88.4%