Code Complete - Steve McConnell

This quote was added by justin0
The comparison between the wave theories of sound and light was so productive that scientists spent a great deal of effort looking for a medium that would propagate light the way air propagates sound. They even gave it a name, "ether," but they never found the medium. The analogy that had been so fruitful in some ways proved to be misleading in this case.

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typin_ 149.11 94.9%
theprivateeye 113.04 96.0%
2001or2 112.79 88.8%
erdrag0n 101.89 93.9%
jezpher 100.69 94.4%
rand0mprecisi0n 99.05 97.0%
kensmom825 95.63 97.8%
sigmazox 93.87 96.5%
dfreb 93.49 97.5%
user604787 93.02 98.3%

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