Wasting My Time - unknown

This quote was added by user48119
I have all this homework to do. And I don't want to do it. So I decide to waste my time doing these typing test. Maybe one day I'll actually get my work done.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 116.71 99.4%
geryjs 114.11 98.8%
cholloway526 107.64 100%
ydydydyd 88.26 92.4%
emanh2222 87.38 98.1%
ironherald 85.32 97.5%
piago 82.64 98.8%
user78528 79.99 91.9%
typeracer_0 77.36 93.5%
user453101 76.51 96.3%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
aditya25 46.70 86.3%
user768005 59.78 89.8%
piago 82.64 98.8%
sitesh01 60.06 89.4%
user390874 66.45 97.5%
user453101 76.51 96.3%
ironherald 85.32 97.5%
dcb87 116.71 99.4%