Anger - Xavion Rhoads

This quote was added by xrhoads
The constant flow of anger never stops but sometimes it swells and overflows and we have to let it out. The everyday happiness also never stops. You could have all the money in the world but you wouldn't be happy. All that money you have would be nothing to you if you died. I could be poor and have no money,1 set of clothes and shoes, no food, no home but I wouldn't be sad. I' be happy with my friends. Don't look at the bad things in life. Look at the good and I guarantee you will never be sad.

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user491757 1 month, 2 weeks ago
I don't know if this'll be seen by the right people but I didn't mean to submit that edit. I was trying to add spaces but it wasn't letting me for some reason and then it said that it had submitted something, though that still wasn't showing up on the pending changes list. So sorry about that if it did do something.

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