Metal Gear Solid - Gray Fox

This quote was added by josephmacdonald1998
We're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was ever good at... but at least I fought for what I believed in.

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user37933 161.24 100%
treemeister 158.20 97.1%
user871724 152.42 100%
u557051 150.80 100%
gracekosten 149.97 98.2%
samimellamo 144.85 98.2%
ksahn81xx7 144.60 100%
kitesinflight 142.85 100%
ze_or 140.67 100%
strikeemblem 138.21 98.2%

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flajoy 65.04 95.9%
gladevise 72.68 100%
lilwonton 72.00 91.1%