Magic - Allycat

This quote was added by allycat
Is magic real, or do we just wish it to be real? It is the question of believing without seeing. Those who can accept the world and other's beliefs for what they are can accept that magic is real, for the only real magic is believing and accepting.

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bvw 5 years, 7 months ago
Belief is anti-magic and anti-real. Trust your senses. Trust the honest, by verfiying them. Belief is cheap and no-verifiable. TRUST is verifiable. There is magic. But what does that mean? It means that there are things that happen that defy all natural and known trusted methods of explaining them. Keep learning, keep developing your mind and body. Thank G0d for all.
jmnjmn 6 years, 1 month ago
It's called Faith!

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