You're My Reminder - Unknown

This quote was added by hrtbrkn13
You were an unpleasant memory. Now you're my reminder. You're my reminder to be more cautious of the people I choose to invest my time in. You're my reminder to see people for who they are, not for what I wish them to be. You're my reminder to fall in love with how people treat me, not with the words they speak. But if by chance I happen to fall for the wrong one again, you're my reminder... I can survive anything.

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divine_. 4 years, 3 months ago
this quote is a nice one. I can relate to it so much... thank you for who wrote this.
gupreet 7 years, 6 months ago
You were an unpleasant memory. Now you're may remineder. You're my reminder to be more cautions of the people I chosses to invest my time in . You're my reminder to see pepole for who they are, not for what I wish them to be. You're my reminder to fall in love with how pepole treat me, not with words they speak. But if by chance I happen to fall for the wrong one again, you're may remineder... I can survive anhyting.
user51693 7 years, 7 months ago
i hate it

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