Awesome - sbfff

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Sometimes it is good to start over. When life starts to go bad, it is always OK to turn around and try again. I hope you find this quote inspirational!

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user381085 115.08 91.0%
geryjs 112.04 97.4%
jgdude 110.70 100%
donoshea 110.13 100%
charlottehci 104.64 100%
user982408 102.36 100%
user104405 99.74 100%
shawnsmith91 99.08 95.6%
amman66 92.79 94.4%
msorscher 92.70 100%

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Name WPM Accuracy
shawnsmith91 99.08 95.6%
blizda 43.93 78.2%
user918690 53.32 95.6%
watermelome 92.26 94.4%
user238034 68.85 92.6%
user982408 102.36 100%
user106803 57.27 93.2%
user107952 48.96 91.5%