Letters to Juliet (Movie)

This quote was added by sshg77
"What" and "if" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if?

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typin_ 168.62 97.2%
vmlm 117.26 95.6%
lienlinnn 115.28 96.6%
user50787 109.26 99.4%
user52272 105.93 93.0%
braincloud 104.34 97.7%
geryjs 101.28 94.0%
yagoliz 97.14 97.7%
venus12gates 91.30 92.5%
queenrita124 90.19 98.3%

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user80864 83.71 96.7%
lienlinnn 115.28 96.6%
user421490 68.24 94.5%