School - PapaPo101

This quote was added by papapo101
This sucks you suck all day everybody should suck sometime. I am sorry if you don't agree but it's true so go be whatever you want to be, but always remember YOU SUCK!

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
silmarien 90.11 98.2%
ctuano 70.24 93.3%
armywife731 68.58 92.8%
bchung2 60.35 86.5%
migue9angel5 50.79 91.3%
dollyshah 36.30 99.4%
slg4bop 32.07 94.4%
anilamamdani 22.15 95.4%
user655704 21.57 79.0%
elyza4 17.00 91.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
slg4bop 32.07 94.4%
silmarien 90.11 98.2%
anilamamdani 22.15 95.4%
user655704 21.57 79.0%
migue9angel5 50.79 91.3%
armywife731 68.58 92.8%
bchung2 60.35 86.5%
ctuano 70.24 93.3%