Where to Next? - Lane Danner

This quote was added by desacralized
Life starts with you all centered around you, your parents spend time with you, help you out in sports, and with your homework but most of all YOU if you're struggling to find yourself keep looking you will find yourself through pride and passion for your work ethic.

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typin_ 213.73 100%
destiny2 174.93 97.8%
user281543 142.25 97.1%
feuv 136.14 97.4%
2001or2 135.63 93.4%
strikeemblem 121.47 96.7%
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vmlm 115.45 96.4%
tjapit 112.69 98.5%

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user109150 50.27 92.7%
gwaldrop 94.29 89.3%