My friends - IDFHDSILKH

This quote was added by drewcarlson
I have no friends all I know is one two three. The only friend I have is my invisible friend named BOB he is very nice. Though once every couple years he goes missing and those couple days I dont talk to myself. When he comes back I am joyed.

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wanna_be_typist 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Among other errors, I couldn't avoid that "dont" even I was aware few words before reaching it.

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kyle_w 118.17 97.6%
dante-didit 110.57 97.6%
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npabs 106.74 96.4%
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gwaldrop 101.73 96.0%
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joshsalita30 51.37 89.0%
shanthanreddy77 50.08 86.7%
msorscher 68.35 96.8%