My mother told me... - Etta James

This quote was added by dieseldaughter8
My mother always told me, even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it. I'd like to think I did that.

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user871724 164.29 98.1%
user491757 162.89 99.3%
dcb87 131.45 97.4%
dante-didit 128.50 100%
ellxi39 124.70 99.3%
npabs 123.64 98.1%
arravalle 120.46 98.7%
riversprite 116.97 98.7%
rkoh 110.77 98.1%
amman66 109.50 98.7%

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user491757 162.89 99.3%
dcb87 131.45 97.4%
dante-didit 128.50 100%