Eli M. Oboler

This quote was added by tami
The censor is usually a man who has been severely repressed as a child, practices self-repression as an adult, and wants others to suffer as he did and does.

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user871724 155.52 93.5%
jezpher 114.31 98.1%
mafuso 113.49 95.2%
user98852 112.14 98.1%
npabs 107.78 98.1%
muxedotask 89.00 97.5%
user97523 88.05 98.1%
shashwatdubey 87.42 98.1%
astrid17 80.11 97.5%
tdeep 78.80 98.7%

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astrid17 80.11 97.5%
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muxedotask 89.00 97.5%
skoja 45.23 94.6%
shashwatdubey 87.42 98.1%
user108036 39.35 96.9%
elsie_931 42.43 93.5%