Stop wasting - GrOUsE

This quote was added by alsa
Do not waste your silver to cut diamonds. If possible I'd post only the first sentence. According to me, quotes are better shorter, as long as it is clear enough and meaningful.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
hiramisu 140.72 100%
strikeemblem 124.20 97.8%
ockock 117.69 98.9%
hamchow 105.04 95.7%
macies1515 104.99 100%
m_murasaki 96.74 95.7%
user535492 94.52 97.3%
afminto 92.75 96.2%
user104405 88.40 97.3%
faillogic 86.79 95.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
thethreat 82.85 94.7%
suziecue 71.68 99.4%
hamchow 105.04 95.7%
soymilk00 61.86 91.3%
user100406 77.94 93.7%
hiramisu 140.72 100%
ockock 117.69 98.9%
user535492 94.52 97.3%