Violence is never the answer. - Unknown

This quote was added by siela
Violence is never the answer. War only involves innocent lives. Countries thinking of going to war should first think about the innocent lives that may be taken because of their selfish actions. There are many non-violent ways to settle a dispute, but humans, for all I know, might never understand this.

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winchester2 4 years, 3 months ago
user84737 what about the immense number of innocent lives that have been liberated through violence?
The issue isn't that the quote desires less violence, that's something we would all like to see.
The issue is that this person is condemning the sacrifices of those who gave their lives to protect freedom and innocent people when it became the only option.
This quote is a dreamy paradigm perched in either complete ignorance or willful denial.
user84737 4 years, 3 months ago
It is disturbing how many people were triggered by this quote. It is certainly ironic that a quote expressing a desire for less violence is so politically incorrect that it arouses violent feelings in some who read it.
nukeemwins 4 years, 6 months ago
"Violence is never the answer." Yeah, says a pansy. Violence is almost always the answer when dealing with violence. Think about cops arresting suspects.

"War only involves innocent lives." Except for pretty much all soldiers that signed up to be part of the war.

"Countries thinking of going to war should first think about the innocent lives that may be taken because of their selfish actions." All first world leaders think about the innocent lives and all first world soldiers are trained not to attack civilians. And first world leaders always have a reason for their military actions, that's why you don't see a populated city getting bombed by Britain or something.

"There are many non-violent ways to settle a dispute, but humans, for all I know, might never understand this." Talking is a good way to settle things but it doesn't always work, that's why war exists.

Dumbest quote
bvw 5 years, 5 months ago
"but humans, for all I know, might never understand this." Says one who seperates themself from every other human. Such arrogant and selfish seperation -- it is utter selfishness -- is one of the roots of war.
oremus 6 years, 5 months ago
"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms." -Lt. Col. DuBois (ret.), Starship Troopers, Robert Heinlein
sanguinius 7 years ago
I want to know who "Unknown" really is so I can LAUGH IN THEIR FACE FOR HOW FRIGGIN' STUPID THEY ARE. Violence is never the answer? Give me a break. War ONLY involves innocent lives? Give me a break and a half. When one state is invading another, do you really think that the answer to that invasion isn't violence? Violence is a part of the human condition. It is part of what makes us humans. Don't want to live in a world of violence? There are many ways to leave.
user809700 7 years, 3 months ago
who are you to speak of the limit of human intellect? as if you alone understand "non-violence", with some conviction it is the way it should be. are you claiming that the rest of us are just too dumb to understand non-violence and its benefits over violence?
violence has been chosen because it gets things done. look into history. what you are talking about is just the cases wars unfortunately gone wrong. how many successful wars do you think there had been that were just small or quiet enough to get public attention? also, there are things that can only be achieved by "violence" you speak of. how's a police supposed to stop a thief without a gun -- "violent" measure according to you?

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