Finding Faith - Jalia Estevez

This quote was added by loveable_lia
Someone today thought you were beautiful, someone thought your eyes glowed bright, someone today thought your smile lit up the world. Always remember you are strong and beautiful. You can achieve your goals. Smile a passionate and heartwarming smile. Today is the day you can change the world. Don't count on others to do it for you. You need to embrace your difference, and show it to the world!

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weesin 5 years, 1 month ago
Is there no end to these bubble-gum quotes that make ridiculous assumptions about total strangers? Not everyone is beautiful - lots of people are downright ugly - both on the inside and the outside. Some people will never achieve their goals because they're either ill-equipped or unmotivated to do so. I wish people would stop posting sappy, mindless quotes and submit instead quotes that are thought-provoking or humurous

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