Life - Walt Whitman

This quote was added by user11670
Ever the undiscouraged, resolute, struggling soul of man; (Have former armies fail'd? then we send fresh armies-and fresh again;) Ever the grappled mystery of all earth's ages old or new; Ever the eager eyes, hurrahs, the welcome-clapping hands, the loud applause; Ever the soul dissatisfied, curious, unconvinced at last; Struggling to-day the same-battling the same.

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contramancer 12 years, 3 months ago
Makes for a fair challenge.
starrystar101 12 years, 5 months ago
Weird punctuation and hyphens

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
dvorakptreg 96.89 98.6%
dutchman13 83.11 97.8%
contramancer 81.48 98.6%
dayannd 79.46 98.4%
user14500 78.59 98.4%
em_nyanko 74.63 97.6%
conanco7 72.60 97.6%
user16460 69.49 97.6%
ronchua 66.36 98.6%

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fatmasai 51.55 97.6%
dulce13 31.83 95.9%
sm00th101 47.51 95.9%